Portland Al-Anon Information Service 1750 SW Skyline Blvd. #133, Portland, OR 97221 Office: 503.292.1333 Spanish Information: 503.916.9913 ais@al-anonportlandoregon.org Office Open Hours Tues. Wed & Thur. 9-5pm Please feel free to call or visit.
Al-Anon literature can be purchased at the office with cash or checks during office hours.
North Coast Literature Depot Clatsop and Tillamook County District 1 Kathi 971-704-4355 or mikat1925@gmail.com
Jackson/Josephine County District 7 Willing to mail to member (add postage to invoice)
Al-Anon Literature Contact:
Bunny & Marvalee @ 541.292.2262 soldliterature@gmail.com
Lane County, District 6 — Literature Depot Eugene Friends Church, 3495 W. 18th Ave., Eugene, OR. 541.343.1104 Side entry door Office hours: Monday & Friday 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. To arrange another time, please email Lorraine On website at https://alanonlaneor.us/al-anon-literature/ The Literature Depot will close on all legal holidays unless otherwise posted.
Grant, Harney, Crook, Jefferson, Wheeler & Deschutes Counties District 5 ldcdistrict5@gmail.com
Marion and Polk Counties District 4 - Literature Depot
Contact Dist. 4 Literature Coordinator Julie V. email juliev323salem@gmail.com